Mario odyssey 2 player
Mario odyssey 2 player

Each one is a Boss-Only Level at first, but they can be revisited afterwards for a few more Power Moons, and have Moon Rocks that can be broken in the post-game. Absurdly Short Level: The Cloud Kingdom and Ruined Kingdom.Getting 999 Moons puts a top hat on Peach's castle that gives a fireworks display, accompanied by an orchestrated version of the Level Clear fanfare from Super Mario Bros.

mario odyssey 2 player

Beating it will have a group photo of everyone appear after the credits. 100% Completion: Getting all 880 unique Moons makes the Odyssey's sail golden and unlocks a harder version of the final boss.

mario odyssey 2 player mario odyssey 2 player

  • 11th-Hour Superpower: Which turns out to be a 13th Hour Superpower: Mario Captures Bowser after the Final Boss, and uses his new giant, fire-breathing host to carry Peach out of Bowser's crumbling lair.

  • Mario odyssey 2 player